He Panui


Te Kete Atawhai December 2011

Welcome to Te Kete Atawhai

Known for several years as Mercy Focus, the newsletter from Mercy Ministries Trust helps to keep Sisters of Mercy and their colleagues in Aotearoa New Zealand, Samoa and Tonga up to date with news and trends from the ministries in those countries that operate on their behalf in healthcare, education and community development.

The first issue of this new 16-page quarterly newsletter has just been produced under the title Te Kete Atawhai – Mercy Basket.

Hard copies use sustainable print methods and an email version is produced online for those who prefer an electronic delivery.

Stories in this issue include a month-long visit to Uganda by a teacher from a Mercy secondary college in Auckland, enriching the sense of social justice she now shares with the pupils she teaches. There’s also a focus on a Mercy style of aged care in a residential facility for older people; and a profile on a young mother helped by a community development centre to pursue her dream to guide young people through their school days.