He Panui


Kairos – a moment to grieve before we act

Nga mihi atawhai – greetings to all in Mercy! While some of our key ministries are committed to providing a 24/7 level of care, the holidays that follow Christmas in New Zealand prompt overseas visitors to wonder if the nation closes down for most of January. The welcome break that many of us enjoy gives us a chance to draw breath, give thanks for the accomplishments of the past 12 months and to plan for the year ahead. But for those committed to Mercy, the break may offer a deeper purpose. Perhaps it is a chance to reflect in our hearts on what the Year of Mercy may mean, and on how the doors for which we are responsible might be opened more widely.

In a thought-provoking essay, Mary Sullivan rsm, whose biography on Catherine McAuley is the definitive summary of our founder’s life, suggests that our first response to the Year of Mercy needs to be a pause that allows us to weep and grieve, as we listen to the cry that comes from the poor and from our wounded world.