He Panui


Imaging Mercy Today June 2013

Nga mihi atawhai – greetings to all in Mercy! This month, we interrupt a series of reflections on the Chapter statement of the Sisters of Mercy, pondering on how they are to be in mission, to mark the half-way point of this year, as Māori invite us to bid welcome to the season of Matariki, which begins on June 10. It marks the appearance of the Pleiades, the cluster of stars which come into view low on the north-eastern horizon on the tail of the Milky Way, just before dawn. It heralds the Māori New Year.

Matariki is a chance to learn about those who came before us – our history, our family, our bones. It signals growth; it’s a time for change, a time to prepare, and a time for action. Matariki celebrates the diversity of life. It’s a celebration of customs, language, spirit and people. Matariki is our Aotearoa Pacific New Year.

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