He Panui


Christchurch earthquake

Nga mihi atawhai.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Christchurch as they cope with the shock and devastation of the major earthquake yesterday.

We are grateful that our sisters are safe and thank you for your messages of concern.  Many of us are also concerned for family and friends in the area.

Please join with us in praying for those who have died and those who mourn for them.  We hold in prayer all who are still missing, the many people injured or displaced by these events, and those who are working to provide rescue and support services. 

New Zealand is a small country and we have all heard from our sisters, families and friends in Christchurch of the difficulties following the earthquake in September 2010 and subsequent aftershocks.  This event is much more serious and our hearts go out to the people as they begin the journey of recovery yet again.

Me te mihi nui

Nga Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand