Celebrating Mercy Day

Ngā mihi atawhai.
September is Te Marama Atawhai – Mercy Month
On 24 September, Ngā Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand and our ministries celebrate Mercy Day and honour the opening of the first House of Mercy in Dublin by Catherine McAuley on this day in 1827.
Kōtahi te hā o te tūpuna me te mokopuna
The hearts of the ancestors and the descendants beat as one
Catherine’s vision of a world transformed by God’s love and mercy was fired by her deep conviction that she and her sisters and friends could make a difference in people’s lives… and they do to this day.
We give thanks for all who join with the sisters in more than 40 countries worldwide to engage in the Works of Mercy.
Click here to join Mercy people across the world in 9 Days of Prayer in preparation for Mercy Day on 24 September.