He Panui


Aotearoa New Zealand at MIA celebrations

Irish sisters who had spent much of their Mercy life in New Zealand were part of Mercy International Association’s 20 year celebrations in September.

Sister Rossello Pepper represented Nga Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand at the celebrations.  A group of Irish Mercy Sisters from the former Auckland Congregation were at Mercy International Centre on the day of the Mercy New Zealand ritual.  Rossello Pepper lead the ritual and was joined by Sisters Breda Burke, Nora O’Neill, Teresa O’Neill and Johanna Walsh, who also participated in leading the prayers.


At home in New Zealand the congregation was in Chapter but sisters were able to enjoy the celebrations via live video stream.

Click here to view all archived video streams from the MIA celebrations including the Aotearoa ritual on 28 September.